Monday, October 7, 2013

The Absent Willow paid a visit today which always inspires me to get off my rear end and post some more pictures this time of the Hanoverian Brigade I just completed.

They are Osterode Landwehr Btn, Bremenvorde Landwehr Btn, Osnabruck Landwehr Btn,Duke of Yorks 1st Field Battalion, Bremen Field Btn, Verden Field Btn, and Luneberg Light Field Btn.(not all shown as we ran out of time). I will try and get a shot of the whole when I can master depth of field shots and bracketing.

Hope you enjoy the shots. Happy gaming

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I resigned from my job a few weeks back and am starting the new one in another two weeks which has meant that I have had a lot of shed time.
I have moved things around and am starting to finish a lot of bench projects that have been calling me for years. I finally completed the Cavalry Commander for 2nd Corp being Piré as well as finally basing all of the artillery.

The new home for II Corp is a new shiny display case. It only just fitted all of the lads as there are just under 1100 figures in it. For your delight a few shots.

The whole lot....

1st Brigade 6th Division

6th Brigade Artillery all Front Rank Figures with Elite Guns

The Lanciers from 2nd Brigade 2nd Cav Div

Until next time happy painting.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A year of figure painting passes again. I have added another 4 french regiments and 6 Hanoverian Field and Landwehr units. Hougamont is still sitting unfinished waiting for some assistance from the Willow. I thought I would go down memory lane today as it is cold and grey and foggy at home and look at the army in 2003 as it was then.
It is now three times as large and now has an entire French Corp and a Prussian Brigade in addition to the allied army. A few of my favorite shots.

Here is the whole army back in 2003

My favorite shot is the household cavalry brigade below
Rifles to the front

1st KGL Lights leading the way.
For the francophiles my Voltigeurs from 61st Ligne
General Husson from II Corp and his retinue