Well that all ceased and we have been at home in the first four months of the year more than we ever have. Weekends away from home are but a dream that I hope returns as restrictions lift for many of us. Travel even locally broadens the mind and makes for the opportunity to meet unique characters that make up this world. My wife keeps saying if we were all the same it would be boring........I always riposte with the fact that imagine having to go no further than next door to look at a lovely collection of figures and get in a sneaky game on a Saturday afternoon and the endless discussions that could be had with a planet full of painters, collectors and wargamers........oh bliss.........world peace sorted out over a table.......at that stage she walks away rolling her eyes.....Anyway I digress.....
I haven't painted more figures in the past three to four months than I have painted in the last few years.
Here are some of the latest pieces
A Front Rank Scots Grey casualty base
This one rolls his eyes more than the wife.....
The Perry Hired Help for Artillery FN20
The 34 strong Perry Brunswick 2nd Hussars now completed. I think I got better with the black uniforms as I progressed, still a tricky thing to paint black. I opted for red fringes on the sheepskins as I saw a painting somewhere... it brightened them up I think.
Happy hobbying and stay safe and strong together we will definitely beat this thing.